Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Stressing

I'm pretty sure I should be crying. But, I think I am so stressed that I am shutting off the parts of my mind that are scared to deal with it, and instead I am in survivor mode.

I thought I had five papers to write, but found out I have six. I didn't know I a research paper for my art class to do. I am completely done with two of them. I am almost done with the rough draft for a third. I could possibly get away with saving one of them for Sunday night, one Monday, and the last one on Tuesday. We'll see how tomorrow goes. I have so many other things besides papers to do as well. I hope I get the most I can done tomorrow.

I am so tired. I am going to finish this rough draft and go to bed.

I usually always shower at night because I never wake up in time to take one in the morning, but for some freak reason, I have been waking up earlier than ever, so I know I'll have time tomorrow.

Mike was supposed to get home tomorrow night. Instead he won't be home until Thanksgiving day. And to boot, after he found that out, he ran into a situation that is going to make him even later on that day then he thought. So, he spends an entire month out to be home for Thanksgiving, but will only get to celebrate it for a half a day. This isn't at all what we expected.

I went to get him his ornament yesterday. Last year, Walmart had a really nice selection of all kinds of stuff. Well, the things I saw yesterday were pathetic. I ended up getting him a fish, because he likes fishing. I wanted something a little more special, but that will have to do. I also got him a gag ornament. Mike is into nascar racing. His favorite driver isn't one that is usually marketed in promotional items. But, I did find one of a driver he doesn't really like.

Is it Christmas, yet?


Jackie-Oh! said...

hang in there meggie! I know it's a lot to take in right now... but I know you can do it! :D

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

In case I haven't mentioned it, I am incredibly proud of you. Keep your head up, you are almost there! I love you!

Anonymous said...

personally i would like to beat all the happy people in the face with a hammer and tell them to quit be so exited when they say things like "oh my goodness, can you believe theres only a week left of school, how exciting". it is not exciting. how come other people don't have a billion things to do this last week? i also have like five papers and i've been killing myself between working at cracker barrel and trying to get them all done. i wish there were like two more weeks of school. one week to go to class and one week to sit around and work on papers. i'm sorry you're under so much pressure.

i am very frustrated with cracker barrel right now, and i hate to plug them, but, they do have insanely cute ornaments right now for christmas. i know you said you already bought Mikes but if you decide you can't bear wal*marts crap then you might check out the barrels.

also i'm really sorry Mike didn't make it home for Thanksgiving. i had to work at the barrel and i really wish i could have seen my family.

anyway, i hope you get a random bout of happiness and the final week goes well for you. by the way, did you know there is only one week of school left? aren't you excited? *withers*