I am a true klutz. I will find a way to hurt myself if there is any obstacle in my path. Although this isn't the most recent news, it relates to what happened about 40 minutes ago. I sprained my ankle about three weeks ago. I was cleaning up my living room on a Wednesday night and picked up a 24 case of water to carry to the kitchen table. I got like two steps and slipped. At the time I didn't know how. I didn't find out how for three more days. I just remember I wasn't on my stable two feet anymore. I felt myself slipping away, not knowing why. My left ankle rolled and I remember putting all of my weight on it to catch myself. I think dropped the waters and they went flying everywhere....including some that fell on my right foot leaving a pretty nasty bruise. I layed there for a few minutes flat on my face wondering what to do. I didn't know if I was hurt or how bad and I didn't want to assess the situation because I was assumed the worst. Finally I was brave enough to stand up. It went well. I limped around the house testing it out and everything seemed ok because I could walk a bit. I got some ice and sat back down. And then I started crying. All of the nervousness and hurt finally caught back up with me. I called Mike and he helped my calm down and I started doing some research online about sprained ankles and what to do. After an hour of talking to him and doing my research I got back up again to use the bathroom. I couldn't move. I couldn't put any weight on it at all. Not knowing what to do , I crawled into the office to get my computer chair and wheeled myself around the house for the rest of the night. I took some pain medication and went to sleep assuming everything would be fine in the morning.
It wasn't. I still couldn't walk. I didn't go to school and continued to roll around the house until 4pm, when Jef got off work. He picked up some crutches from my grandma's house for me and bought me an ankle brace. The crutches were awful. It hurt to move and the crutches were uncomfortable. I stayed on them all weekend and missed school again Friday. Finally, on Sunday night I tried putting pressure on my foot, and I could walk but with the crutches. I went back to school that Monday and stayed on the crutches until this past Monday.
I found out later that I slipped on some liquid dish soap that had leaked on my carpet.
Well, tonight I was leaving the house to run up to Food Lion. I have been dieting for almost two weeks now and I was having a serious sugar craving. I decided to get an angel food cake because they are low in sugar and stuff. On my way out the door I stepped on a piece of glass. I bled on the porch...my carpet...and bathroom floor. I am such an idiot. The good thing is it wasn't a bad cut, but for a second I feared I wasn't going to back to walk again. Crisis diverted.
Mike's mother moved in with her new husband and they have been going through all of their stuff and combining two households into one. They decided to use Mark's bedroom furniture, and had nothing to do with his mom's anymore. She has a really nice bedroom set and thought about selling it, but instead gave it to me and Mike as our wedding present. Two weekends ago, Mike, Jef, and Jamie went to pick it up. We decided to move our old furniture into our office as a guest room and had to combine our office and our storage room. This was a huge project and it took all weekend and all of last week to get the house back to normal. I had to throw out some things to make room for everything, including a desk I owned. There just wasn't any room in the new office area. It was really hard for me to admit I had to get rid of it. I know it sounds funny, but I was really emotionally attached to that desk. It's a long story and I won't get into it- but that desk meant a lot to me. Instead, we put some small shelves in there for my desk items like paper, pencils, paper clips, etc- and I told Mike and Jef that I would agree to get rid of the desk on one condition: we would call those shelves the Creation Station. Somehow this turned into Jef and I calling the room the Creation Station Lounge. Mike also went out and bought a huge shelving unit from Sam's Club for some of our previous storage stuff and things for the wedding.
And here is our new bedroom. We still have some work to do. We are going to get some decorations for the dresser and the paintings need to be repositioned and new curtains...It is time to retire the blanket over the big window :) .
And our new guest room:
I wish I had "before" pictures, but I don't. After two years of living here, I didn't have ANY pictures from any of these rooms.
School has been kicking my butt, again. I had a lot of projects due last week and my milestone II interview. I was really nervous about the interview, but thankfully passed with a perfect score!! I think it helped that one of my interviewers was one of my professors and another was a co-worker of my mother's. I'm so happy to be on Spring Break, but I still have a lot to do for school including two midterms coming up and a bunch of projects for my Technology class.
I have also been working on wedding stuff hard core. Jef let me know last night there are TEN weeks until the big day. That is no time at all. I can't believe it. Tomorrow, Jef and Jamie's girlfriend Renee are coming over to help me do some stuff. We are going to print off the invitations and start assembling them among other things.
It's going to be here before I know it. My life is changing so fast. Getting married....one more year until graduation...it's kind of overwhelming.
I told Mike I want to do one last big thing as a single couple. We are going to go camping probably at the end of April. I am excited. I have never been REAL camping before. I just think it will be nice to have some alone time before we get married after all of the hubbub. And, Zoe will get to come too.
I am moving into your guestroom, kthnxbye.
It's yours baby....but, Jef might fight you for it...we consider it more of his "Jef got too drunk tonight room" rather than a guest room.
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