I didn't finish reading Confederacy of Dunces....but I got lucky. My professor's child got sick at school and she had to leave to pick them up and class got canceled. It is a Monday/Wednesday class so I have several days to finish that puppy...and if I don't I will be SO MAD at myself. I've been trying to do as much as my homework as possible for Friday and Monday so I can do as little as possible this weekend. I have just been reading all day long. I read some stuff written by Darwin on Evolution for Brit Lit for Friday and almost half of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for Monday's Brit Lit...a short story for Southern Lit which was really good called Testimony of Pilot and you can read it here: http://www.mpbonline.org/television/series/writers/110-Rights/media/Testimony%20of%20Pilot.pdf
I am so addicted to reality television- the competition type. I don't care what they are trying to win chances are I am going to watch. Ok, this is slightly exaggerated. I couldn't possibly watch every reality show out there. There are several I don't follow. But Along with America's Next Top Model, Top Design, The Pick Up Artist, Survivor (and I just finished Project Runway) I added a new show into the mix. It started tonight and it was FAB-U-LOUS. On the WB at 8:00 I caught the series premier of Stylistas, or 11 people competing for a job with Elle Magazine. It has gays, it has fashion, it already had drama.....what more could I ask for?
This has just been a jam packed year for television for me. I am happy that I can say that I have counterbalanced that with a ridiculous amount of reading so that I don't come off as a TOTAL loser. I won't bore you with the extensive list of shows that I follow- but my new project along with my regularly scheduled programs and of course Stargate will be Lost and The Office. Apparently I missed a huge boat with those two gems. I haven't started them yet, this is just what I hear.
I don't know what has gotten into her but the Mable-baby has become very affectionate since I got back home from house sitting for my parents. Usually, she wonders off for about 4 to 5 hours a day. I assume she is sleeping somewhere, tucked away...or in my wildest fantasies having tea parties with the neighboring felines- but now she is always around me and she wants to constantly touch me...which GOSH this has been the dream but she wants to sit between me and the book I am trying to read or on top of the keyboard...it's getting to be really inappropriate...
by the way....check out all the cuties from the week i was over there:
Isn't it funny that my animals are both black....and my mom's are both gray...
I e-made up with a friend from my past today. I am really happy to have her back.
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